Monday, December 30, 2019

What Does it Mean to be a Christian?

Columbia Disaster 
I recently had a friend ask me this question.  I struggled with it and stammered a generic answer "A Christian follows Jesus,"  but what does that really mean?  I had to think back to a time when I was close to God and was listening, talking, studying his word and most importantly following Jesus.  I don't remember the exact day I stopped, but its been awhile.  I do remember my routine:  wake up early, read my daily bible, pray from my prayer list and anything that might be coming up that day and listen for God's guidance.  I was under His wings and His protection.  I do not know when I stopped but its been a long time.  I know that I was reading my Bible the day that the space shuttle Columbia exploded on February 1, 2003. I was reading about Moses escaping Pharaoh and seeing the burning bush when the walls of my house shook and wondering if that was real or I just imagined it.  So maybe its been 17 years or maybe only 15, but its been a long time since I was in daily communication with the Creator.

I think about Moses tending sheep in the desert for forty years?  Why did he not go to God and confine in Him?  Why did he stay stagnant for so long?  Those questions I now ask myself.    In Exodus 3:4 it says "When the Lord saw that he had caught Moses' attention."  Over the last few weeks and months God had called me to attention.  It was not with a bush it was with a brick to my forehead and tearing of my heart.  I have not been the person God created me to be.  I have been far less.  Steeped in sin of my own desires.  I start today renewed crying out to God begging Him for healing that only He can give.