Sunday, January 12, 2020

My Part
I listened to a Rick Warren podcast the other day about reconciliation and he gave a lot of great advice about working things out with others.  It was very detailed step by step approach about making things right.  In fact one of the details was meet at your best and on a full stomach.  As a person who gets hangry, I made sure to write that one down.  One of the steps was to have a peace conference with the other party and to bring a written list of your part of the conflict. 

My Part:

I should have talked through things when they upset me.  I either internalized things or got upset. Neither are healthy.

I took the shortcut when needing to feel wanted.  I went outside our marriage.

I ignored your needs while finding my own satisfaction with my work.

I knew we were having problems and hurting but I stayed stagnant “hoping” things would just get better.

I didn't understand the importance of getting help in counseling.

I do not like to look weak or admit I am not good at something.

I put expectations of you that were not agreed upon. 

I should have complimented you way more.  

I bring up the past way too much and when we fought I said things to hurt you and not to resolve the problem. 

Here is the link to the podcast.

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